Autumn SevGen Fractal 2
Autumn SevGen Fractal was life changing.
Yes you read correctly, feedback from the group who gathered is that the Autumn SevGen Fractal was life changing.
In the welcome circle the Autumn SevGennies were reminded that SevGen was a different offering and our Flow Educational approach was reitterated. We explained how we believe it is necessary to allow alot of space so that talents and passions that are within the people that show up emerges. Always when we speak about holding space for Flow education it unnerves most people. People are used to: being directed; schedules; and event programmes. A good deal of faith is required to go through with open flow and relying on passion to motivate and organise the day. But that is how it is at SevGen and it flowed beautifully.
The weekend was full of memorable moments.On reflection I could mention so many but when you are told that the experience has changed someones way of being in the world you just got to big note.
During a conversation with ‘G’ he said that he does not spend time just ‘playing’…
(We have talked about and bandied the idea of play many times in SevGen development discussions) so from that moment a new way of describing SevGen’s educational principles came into being.
Now we say PAPPA™ – Play Autonomously with Passion and Purpose Always. Cool huh!
During another string of conversations with ‘A’ and ‘D’ we were told that SevGen is Self Design in the flesh and they have invited us up to speak with the Self Design community in Mackay NQ. So with such an accolade I looked up Self Design and wow what a great impression to have made. ‘A’ has said that the SevGen Fractal gathering has made her feel more confident in who she is and has helped return her to her true self. Super cool huh!
I marvel at the time in which things occur. How affirmed are we now as we head off to yarn up SevGen at an Anti Discrimination Commission Queensland planning workshop… Just a little opening there and look out, have we got some stories to share now!
Here are some pics from the gathering.

Some feedback comments…
“provided a warm inviting creative space with room for people to express and share their passions with others”.
“I had a great time interacting with people and meeting people. It felt like a safe place to express yourself and show what your passions are to a group of people”
“Sevgen sings to my heart and gives me strength to educate my children alternatively. It brings together people who are walking this, sometimes lonely, journey together and gives our kids opportunity to connect with others accepting of individual quirks”.
“The whole weekend was a great experience… Seeing everyone being productive all day long was amazing… Awesome!”
“Having attended the first fractal day in 2012 I was very excited to then have the opportunity to attend for 2 days. The same uplifting energy of connecting with so many wonderful, knowledgeable, helpful, caring people was there again. The pure passion of learning was alive and it was heart warming to see so many absorbed in the moment as they discovered new experiences. I loved the experience and will do even more talking about it to inform others of the wonderful opportunities available”
Now to Develop, Deepen or Diversify our offerings and informed by the feedback from our Autumn Fractal survey we are planning and crafting The Winter SevGen Fractal.
Stay tuned for the date claimer! Coming soon!