Boomerang Bus News
Boomerang Bus launch
Dr Wayne Troyhan (Principal Nambour State High School)
“I strongly urge support of SevGen’s Boomerang Bus. The possibilities of what can be achieved is endless.”
On the 22nd August 2015 SevGen launched our Boomerang Bus initiative at Sunspace Cafe in Bebbington Road Doonan.
On a rainy day over 60 people attended the launch showing the strong support for the Boomerang Bus.
The attendees which included the initial lead teachers of the Sunshine Coast area were part of the smoking and clearning ceremony, conducted by Bernadette Hazzard (a Goongarri woman living in the Sunshine Coast) and Michael (world reknown Yiggi Yiggi musician and dancer) which clears the way for great work to be done from the bus.
Enquiries are coming in and with the 4th term about to start we will be planning our deliveries for 2016.