Cycle of Recidivism Interrupted!
*name and photo only changed to protect our special people…
Trouble with a capital ‘T’ was how Coah was described.
Like most referrals to us the profile of this young person was extreme
No human service agency, organisation or group in community wanted to take on Coah after his trial and detention was the only option unless he was accepted at SevGen.
Wrapped around with SevGen’s care and pioneering educational approach (PAPPA) our team thought the young person was swapped at the airport. There was not one skerrik of capital ‘T’ trouble in the 3 months that Coah was at SevGen.
On return to the community family, elders and support staff could not believe the change they noticed. Long time psychologist and youth support worker to the community reports…
The young person I have seen over the last few days is not the same young person that left only 3 short months ago.
The transformative changes are lasting when some weeks after returning there was an outbreak of trouble in community. The police went to the usual suspects (Coah was well known by police) but allegations were denied as to which police replied that they had finger prints (disbelieving our young person). After a tense 8 days the news came back to us… Not our young person!!!
Now ready to return as a mentor with our next group of young people the life changing experience is set to continue and multiply!