Our Contributors
We would like to thank our Spontaneous Spirited Contributors (listed in alphabetical order)
- Aid Arena
- Boomerang Bus Hire
- Briese Botanicals
- Emu Designs
- Extra Hands Fund Raising
- JL Bush Honey
- Mary McKillop Foundation
- Optiva Asia Pacific
- Private Investor 1 (GS)
- Private Investor 2 (FL)
- Private Investor 3 (PW)
- Private Investor 4 (GP)
- Private Investor 5 (TR)
- Private Investor 6 (SH)
- Rare Earth Foundation
- SunCas (Sunshine Coast Admin Support)
- The Old Ambulance Station
And our amazing artists
- Angaharad Naparulla Gibson- Warlpiri
- Arnold Jakamarra Walker- Warlpiri
- Leeanne Nakamarra Oldfield- Warlpiri
- Gayle Napangardi Gibson- Warlpiri
- Grant ‘Tank’ Shaw- Palawa
- Jo Campbell- Quandamooka
- Madelane Naparulla Gibson- Warlpiri
- Natalie Cunningham-
- Shannon Shaw-
- Shauna Hill- Gubbi Gubbi
- Teddy Japanangka Gibson- Warlpiri
- William Chambers-
Extra Hands Fundraising – “The work Charity and Humanitarian Organisations do in our community is amazing and without them, our community as we know it, would cease to function. These Non-Profit Organisations/Charities provide services to the community daily without adequate financial support or resources”