SevGen emerges in Nambour
SevGen has a totem! The native yam.
Determined to grow we have done as the yam does and made our way to Nambour where an office space will be our base for the next while. We are located in the Old Ambulance station which is managed by the Sunshine Coast Arts Industry Precinct (SCAIP Inc) at the corner of Howard Street and Williams Street.
The environment is different to our property and because of that we will look quite different in this space. However, We are the same in essence using passion and purpose as the motivating and organising principles within a 3E model of Enterprise, Education and Entrepreneurship.
We are co-inhabiting the space with our partner training company Edgeware Indigenous which strengthens our capabilities to yarn up and deliver the 3E vision.
You are welcome to come see us anytime. We are operating on a casual basis for the time being so to make sure we are there call Terri on 0459 352 525 or email If you just drop in and we’re not there please leave a message with any of the SCAIP occupants and we’ll get back to you.
Planning now… our official office opening- date to be announced, and other projects, so if you want to get involved we’d love to see you.
from the SevGen team xx