A Different Education: SevGen SEECCERs Grown up on PAPPA
Education is at the heart of the SevGen concept. Spoken of as an authentic Australian pedagogy, SevGen is pioneering a different approach to learning that results in enjoyable, effortless learning.
SEECCERS are Socially, Emotionally, Ecologically, Culturally, Creatively, Educationally, Respectfully solid individuals.
For visionary people who believe there is a different way to be educated or ‘grown up’ SevGen SEECCERS is a loving, living, laughing, listening and learning place that through ‘playing autonomously in passion and purpose always’ (PAPPA™ ) holds the space for you to discover your passion and gives you space to practice mastery of that passion resulting in enjoyable, effortless learning.
SevGen SEECCERS is special and unique because the SEECCERS is in control and will be empowered to be ultimately responsible for developing their own gift for the world.
Within this offering we have developed our Lift a Drifter (LAD) experience. Currently being delivered for schools as a circuit breaker for young people not currently getting along in that school LAD helps them reset themselves and see their world anew to believe they are intelligent, know their potential, be motivated and feel unstoppable. LAD is being contextualised to serve a number of other settings including pre-employment experience for long term unemployed, pre-employment experience for long term unemployed with a disability, post-care care experience, youth justice and community self referrals.
FAIL at SevGen just stands for
Further Allignment in Learning (or Life)
(Keeli Waller 2014)